Monday, May 3, 2010

Annual Poetry Contest - 2nd Place Winner

An Ache, or a Hankering, or a Bit of Both

I miss the mountains.
The fireflies in the evening,
the mosquitoes in the afternoon,
and the fresh air,
so deep that it can scarcely be breathed in.
I miss the feel of bare toes in the cool creek,
bare toes on the dry grass, on prickly dirt, the rough rock and smooth stone.
I miss the long days of going uphill without stop,
losing myself in the trees,
searching for the perfect view
and learning that the trail never ends.
I miss flashlight tag at night
and the big, glowing lanterns that dimmed in the radiance of the fire.
We read folklore aloud on those nights,
the characters somehow becoming more vivid than reality
in the dark that shrouded us.
I miss the toasted marshmallows that we nibbled on
and the hushed whispers as we fell asleep
under a roof made of black sky
and twinkling stars.

Sarah Jane Thielman
17 years old
Homewood High School
Poem may not be reproduced without author's permission.

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