Friday, February 5, 2010

The Percy Jackson Countdown Day Two (belated): The Last Apprentice

The Last Apprentice series by Joseph Delaney will appeal to those who like spine-tingly titles. Thomas Ward is the seventh son of a seventh son. His older brothers have all been apprenticed off and his oldest brother is married and taking over the farm from their parents. It is time for Tom to be apprenticed, and his master will be the village spook. The spook is the man people call when they hear bumps in the night or see things that shouldn't be. He banishes, captures and kills the creatures that haunt and hunt the living. And Tom is not his first apprentice...he's the 29th. What happened to the other 28? Some floundered, some fled, and some did not survive. As the spook's time on the earth begins to dwindle, Thomas becomes his last apprentice, his last hope. Will he succeed where the others did not?

The Last Apprentice series by Joseph Delaney
Book 1: Revenge of the Witch
Book 2: Curse of the Bane
Book 3: Night of the Soul Stealer
Book 4: Attack of the Fiend
Book 5: Wrath of the Bloodeye
Book 6: Clash of the Demons

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